Sunday Alive - Kids
11:00-12:15am |
The church building |
Note: For Youth activities, please see Sunday Alive - Youth
Children will usually join the main Sunday Alive service for the first all age part of the service, before leaving for their own age appropriate activities for the later part of the service. Someone will be able to help you find the correct room or group for your children.

Toddlers 0-3
9:30-11:30am |
The church building |
Term time only - see calendar
Games and toys for toddlers, cuppa and a chat for parents!
Seekers 7-11
Thursday 6:30-7:30pm |
The church building |
Term time only - see calendar
Our kids club Seekers provides a fun mid-week activity for children aged 7-11. Activities alternate between games, crafts and baking, with a short bible study or quiz each week.